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Welcome to the Our Lady of Lourdes Community. 

We hope that you and your family will be very happy during the time you spend with us.

Our school has a very active and supportive parent-body who help us to celebrate and mark the successes and important events in our school.  We look forward to you joining us on your child's school journey.

Parents are regularly invited to join us for Stay and Prays, Celebration Assemblies and other celebrations, performances and sporting events across the school year. The Our Lady of Lourdes PTA meets regularly and holds events to raise funds that are always spent on children.

Each class will stay in touch with you on Class Dojo with photos of our learning and other information.  Please see your child's teacher for a connection code and make sure you download the free app to your phone. 

Our newsletter is delivered weekly to your inbox so you can stay up to date with future events.  Please make sure that your details are up-to-date with the school office.