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The role of the Local Governing Body is a strategic one.  Its key functions are to:

  • set the aims and objectives for the school
  • set and agree policies to achieve those aims
  • set targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of those aims and objectives
  • challenge and support the school's headteacher and leadership team. 

Can i get in contact with a Governor?

The school's Governing Body aim to be as open and as approachable as possible, therefore we are keen to hear from you if you have any questions relating to the school from a strategic perspective.

To reach any of us please send an email via the school office with your question and we will come back to you.

Please address postal correspondence to the governor you wish to contact C/O Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School, Manchester Drive, Leigh on Sea, SS9 3HS.


Mathew Stewart

Chair of Governors: Leadership and Management, Admissions Committee, Pay Committee

Andrew Rourke Vice Chair: Vice Chair: Finance Portfolio and Pay Committee; Staffing
Sally Nutman Headteacher
Grace Harding Staff Governor: Staff Governor: Assets and Health and Safety Portfolio; Early Years, Admissions Committee
Vicky Sheppard Foundation Governor: Safeguarding and Inclusion
Diogo Azevedo Foundation Governor: Personal Development
Dominik Ferrara Foundation Governor: Quality of Education: Teaching and Learning
Father Kevin Hale Foundation Governor: Catholicity
Sarah Roberts Parent Governor: Quality of Curriculum and Outcomes, Pupil Premium
Tim Meredith Parent Governor: Behaviour and Attitudes, Sports Premium, Pay Committee
Mariola Stiles Co-opted Governor: Safeguarding and Inclusion

Full details of our Governing body can be found in the attachments below.