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A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

At Our Lady of Lourdes we want our children to grow up with the skills to use technology safely, logically and reasonably; to have the life skills that enable them to use it confidently but appropriately.

 Our Kapow Computing Curriculum covers the following Threshold Concepts

Coding Connect Communicate Collect
This concept involves developing an understanding of instructions, logic and sequences This concept involves developing an understanding of how to safely connect with others This concept involves using apps to communicate one’s ideas This concept involves developing an understanding of databases and their uses

Our curriculum covers the three key areas of the national curriculum:


Our curriculum focusses on key areas which are repeated throughout the time that children are with us. 


Autumn Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer

Computer Systems

Using a computer:


Logging in

Using a mouse/tracker pad


Programming 1- All about instructions:

Following and giving simple instructions



Programming 2-Programming Beebots

Understanding algorithms 

Programming the Beebots

Data Handling: Introduction to data

Sorting and categorising

Yes/No answering - branching databases

Basic pictograms

Year 1

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 

Online Safety

Using the Internet safely

Emotions online

How we treat others

Posting and sharing online

Improving mouse skills

Logging in to Google Chromebooks

Click and drag

Using digital skills to draw


Programming 1:

Algorithms unplugged

What is an algorithm

Inputs and outputs



Programming 2:


Precise instructions

Programming a device

Creating a 'program'

Data handling: introduction to data

Representing data

Using technology to display data

Collecting and recording data

Sorting data using branching databases

Designing an invention to gather data

Year 2

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring Summer

Online Safety

Posting online

Keeping things safe online

Sharing with consent


Accuracy - Trustworthy or not? 

Computing systems and networks-What is a computer?

Parts of a computer

Inputs and outputs

Designing an invention

The role of computers in the world

Programming 1-Algorithms and debugging

Decomposing algorithms

Machine learning - how algorithms make predictions

Plan an algorithm to solve a problem



Data Handling

How computers help in space

Sensors in the ISS

Interpreting data


Year 3

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 

Online Safety

Fact, opinion and belief online.

Dealing with upsetting online content.

How digital devices communicate with each other to share personal information.

What social media platforms are used for.

Why social media platforms are age-restricted.

Computing systems and networks-Networks and the internet

Computer networks.

Networks and servers.

The internet

How websites get to your computer.


Programming: Scratch

Tinkering with scratch

Using loops with scratch



Computing Networks and Systems- Journey inside a computer

Inputs and outputs

Understanding the purpose of computer components

Computer memory


Creating media

Planning a trailer


Editing a video

Adding text and transitions

Year 4

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1

Online Safety

Searching online

Marketing - how companies encourage us to buy things online

Fact, opinion or belief

What a bot is

Technology and limiting our time spent.

Computing systems and networks- collaborative learning

Using software to collaborate

Sharing documents on Google Apps for Education

Using Google Slides/Docs

Using Google Forms

Using Google Sheets


Programming 1- further coding with scratch

What code does


Making a variable

Creating own project

HTML coding

Remixing HTML code

Changing HTML/CSS code using trinket

Website hacking


Using Google Sites to create websites


Computational Thinking


Abstraction and pattern recognition

Algorithm design




Year 5

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring Summer

Online Safety

Keeping personal data safe

Positive and negatives of online communication

Online reputation

Online bullying

Online health


Computing systems and networks-Search engines

How to use a search engine

Identifying inaccurate information

Searching effectively

Using Canva

Web crawlers - how search engines work

Programming 1-programming music


Creating a programme

Planning a soundtrack

Programming a soundtrack

Data - Mars Rover

Binary Code

Computer architecture

Using Binary to represent text



Year 6

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1

Online Safety

Sharing online

Creating a positive online reputation

Capturing Evidence

Effective passwords and encryption

Staying Safe online

Computing Systems - based around Bletchley Park (WWII)

Secret Codes

Brute Force Hacking (Scratch)

All about Bletchley Park and the first computers


Using Google Slides to present research


(text based coding)


Nested Loops

Loops in Python

Stop Motion Animation



In DT, children in year 6 use micro:bits to create code for their designs

Big Data

Transmitting Data




In Art and Design, children in year 6 use ipads/cameras and photo editing software in their photography topic.