The intent of our mathematics curriculum is to provide children with a foundation for understanding number, reasoning, thinking logically and problem solving with resilience so that they are fully prepared for the future. Children will grow in confidence through the use of concrete manipulatives, transferring understanding to the pictorial and finally abstract. With greater understanding and confidence the children will develop a love of number and mathematical challenges. We teach mathematics because it provides opportunities for developing important intellectual skills in problem solving, deductive and inductive reasoning, creative thinking and communication.
We use resources from Power Maths, a whole class mastery resource which develops children's growth mindset and problem solving approach through curiosity and excitement equipping them with deeper conceptual understanding.
yEAR 1
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Learning times tables and number facts
At OLOL, we believe that confidence is a major factor in children being successful mathematicians. We have a clear focus on learning number facts from the EYFS where children have Maths Mastery sessions through to year 2. Children here have access to Numbots, a fantastic online resource where children can learn their number facts to help their speed and accuracy of calculation.
In Years 2 and beyond, we introduce children to Times Table Rockstars, which is a fantastic online programme to help children with their speed and accuracy of timestable recall. Alongside this, we introduce the children to KIRFS, which stands for Key Instant Recall Facts.
Children complete KIRF sheets which focus on a particular area of maths learning. The key points to the methodology are as follows:
- Focussed, Regular and Sustained Rehearsal
- Rehearsal without error - children have the answers to refer to
- Achievement of Personal Best Scores
- Accuracy is followed by speed